Finally, the Dark Secret to Getting Killer Recommendations is Revealed

Finally, the Dark Secret to Getting Killer Recommendations is Revealed

Doesn’t it irritate you when people with fewer qualifications are given opportunities that you deserve? It doesn’t have to be like this… if you know how to receive the kind of recommendation letter that opens doors.

We all know at least one or two folks who aren’t really talented at what they do but always seem to move forward in life. They advance, while the rest of us are forced to sit and observe.

If they were the most deserved – the most intelligent, skillful, or hardworking – it wouldn’t be so frustrating. However, it never seems to turn out like that.

The basic fact is that getting ahead in today’s society requires two types of skills: the ability to accomplish a decent job and – increasingly crucial – the ability to land a good chance in the first place. Unfortunately, for the most part, our teachers just taught us how to do well; they didn’t spend much time teaching us how to stake our claims – how to ensure that we receive the recognition, honors, and opportunities that we deserve. That was meant to happen on its own.

No, it isn’t!

Everywhere you look, it’s a jungle! You may expect to be out there battling for your place in the world several times throughout your life. Successful candidates understand that being a decent also-ran isn’t enough; they must stand out in a crowded field. They must gain attention before they can expect to receive offers.

As a result, letters of recommendation are now more critical than ever in the job search process, frequently even more so than your CV. If you’ve ever been involved in hiring, you know how quickly all those resumes start to sound the same. After a while, the stack of resumes starts to merge together.

Recommendation letters are not the same as letters of recommendation. If you can get the proper letter, hard-hitting, objective opinions from real-life experts who have really worked with you can express more about what you offer than any CV could… assuming you can get the correct letter.

PROBLEM: Getting very good recommendation letters, even when you truly deserve them, is difficult.

Even when you are well-deserving, people are often hesitant to offer letters of recommendation. Why? One common explanation is that they are overworked. After all, writing a letter of recommendation takes time, especially if you don’t write them frequently.

Even still, most people dislike writing recommendation letters for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is a lack of time. Managers are also hesitant to write reference letters because they don’t believe they can do a decent job. This is a more typical – and embarrassing – explanation. In fact, they are concerned that a letter they write will be so awful that it will make them appear unprofessional, and you and the recipient of your letter will lose respect for them and the organizations they represent.

Of course, they won’t inform you; instead, you’ll never receive your mail.

However, it is clear that some people have figured it out. They are able to secure letters and opportunities that the rest of us can only dream of.

How do they manage to do it?

1. Do they simply outperform everyone else?

2. Do they put in more effort?

3. Are they more intelligent or well-educated?

The overwhelming majority of the times, the answers to these questions are no, no, and no!

They aren’t superior or superior in any way; they simply know the secret.

Their strategy is as straightforward as it is effective: they write their own letters of recommendation!

You’ve probably seen glowing letters of reference that… catch people’s attention, impress recruiters and coworkers, and provide the most effective competitive advantage possible in the race for fast-track possibilities!

Am I suggesting that these letters are effectively just advertisements produced by the candidates themselves and that they are as biased as anything else?

Yes! That’s exactly what I’m saying, and I’m saying it for a good reason… its true! It’s the dirty little secret that all the top candidates are aware of.

Consider this: How can you possibly compete if you aren’t doing the same thing?

You won’t be able to do it!

In today’s competitive world, you have no choice but to take the initiative if you want to land the kind of opportunities you truly deserve. Writing your own letter of reference for someone else to sign takes a lot of guts, but it’show the genuine game-changers get things done.

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